Art Competition 2024

The Credit Union Art Competition 2024 is here! The theme for the 2024 Credit Union Art Competition is ‘The Joys of Life’.

One of the most prominent and longest-running competitions of its type across Ireland, this year’s
Credit Union Art Competition theme focuses on ‘The Joys of Life’ inviting participants to share what
brings them joy and happiness. Celebrating life’s simple pleasures and treasured moments through
the likes of beautiful sunsets, sharing laughter with friends, or spending time with loved ones, the
theme encourages participants to highlight their precious memories.

The competition is free to enter. There are no age limits and it is open to aged seven years and
under right through to 18 years and over. There are two overall categories – General Category & Additional Needs Category – Age limit applying as at December 31st 2024.

  • 7 years and under
  • 8-10 years inclusive
  • 11-13 years inclusive
  • 14-17 years inclusive
  • 18 years and over (Adult)

The Additional Needs Category allows participants with a physical or intellectual disability
to be actively encouraged by their teachers to submit entries in free expression painting or
drawing, without the restrictions of the competition’s official theme (should they so wish).

Competition Stages     

This year’s closing dates for each stage of the competition are as follows:

StageLevelClosing date
Stage 1Credit UnionFriday 25th October 2024
Stage 2ChapterFriday 22nd November 2024
Stage 3National FinalFriday 6th December 2024

The winning entries from stage one will be passed to Chapter for adjudication at a regional (second) stage before the winners only at this level are forwarded to the Irish League of Credit Unions (ILCU) for final (national) judging.

We would like to wish all everyone the best of luck in the competition and look forward to seeing all your artwork.

Please note:

1. As this is an Art Competition, there is no need for the artist to illustrate the text of the theme on the art piece. What we are looking for is how they interpret the theme through their art.

2. All entries must be submitted in either A3 (420 x 297mm) or A2 (594 x 420mm) and in landscape orientation. Other sizes and portrait oriented entries will be disqualified from adjudication.

3. The competition seeks to encourage young artists to draw or paint on this year’s theme,
using pencil, charcoal, pen or ink, felt-tip markers, crayon, pastel, water colours, gouache,
acrylics, oils, poster colour or collage.

4. Entrants may only submit one entry and it must be accompanied by a fully completed entry
form and returned by the notified closing date.

5. Entry forms must be securely attached to the back of each individual entry art work. 

6. Ages as at 31st December 2024.

Please download the Entry Form here.

Any questions at all please email 

For any queries, please contact a member of our friendly staff who will be happy to help. Contact