If Your Account is Dormant
If you think you previously held a Enniscorthy Credit Union account or you are unsure about the status of an account, please check with us. You may have a dormant account which can be reactivated.
Under Rule 19 of the standard rules for Credit Unions (ROI) and in line with Government Legislation, regarding dormant accounts; dormant accounts are classified as any account which has no member generated transactions in the last 3 years.
When an account becomes dormant your shares remain in the Credit Union and continue to earn a dividend on an annual basis, however you will not be able to transact on your account until you reactivate it. Please be assured that your account will not be closed.
NB: To comply with the Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Acts 2010 to 2021, Enniscorthy Credit Union is required to establish the identity and verify the permanent residential address of all its members. This information must be correct at all times.
Contact us and we can check the status of your account, accounts have to be reactivated in person, in any of our offices.