Find out how to open a Minor Account
Minor Account - Enniscorthy Credit Union Ltd

Important Information

To open a junior account/s, for your convenience and comfort, please make an appointment to open the account with us by calling 053 9233 835.

The account must be opened by a parent or legal guardian of the child.

A once off membership fee of €1 will be charged to the account. The minimum shares that you must hold in the account at all times is €5.00.

There is a savings cap of €30,000 in place on minor accounts until the minor reaches the age of 16 i.e. the total shares that a minor under 16 can hold in their account is not permitted to exceed €30,000 (taking into account all sub accounts also).

The minor is the beneficial owner of the funds held in the account at all times i.e. all funds held in the account and all associated sub accounts are the minors and all transactions must be for the minors sole benefit.

Identification for the parent/guardian of the minor must be kept up to date on the account until the minor reaches the age of 16.

Good Habits

The earlier a child starts saving the sooner they can make saving a habit. Making routine deposits can also help them develop the habit of saving. Encourage them to deposit at least a small percentage of any money they receive through allowances or gifts from family members.

Setting Goals

A savings account can help children learn to set and achieve financial goals. Discuss with them a few things they might want to purchase in the future and create a plan to help them reach that goal. Let them calculate how much they'll need to save each month to achieve their goals by the intended timeline.

Value of Money

One of the most important lessons you can teach children is the value of money. This life lesson will stick with them into their teenage, college, and young adult years and beyond. Children who are responsible for managing their own money are more likely to understand the value of money.

What do I need to provide?

We need the following information to open a Minor Credit Union Account:

  • Birth Certificate for the minor. It needs to be an original document.
  • Photo ID for the minor if available.
  • Photo ID for the parent/guardian of the minor.
  • Proof of Address dated within the previous six months for the minor or the parent/guardian of the minor. Parents address verification will suffice for children under 16.

Proof of PPSN for the minor.

Evidence of Identification (must show proof of date of birth & recent photo)

  • Current Valid Passport
  • Current Valid Photo Driving Licence
  • Current Valid National Identity Card
  • Age Card issued by An Garda Siochana with birth certificate

Birth Certificate (original) with parents ID (Under 16).

Proof of Address (must show address where you currently live and be dated within the last six months) i.e.

  • Official documentation issued by the Revenue Commissioners or Department of Protection
  • Local authority document, e.g., refuse collection bill, water charge bill, LPT.
  • Utility bill, e.g. telephone, electric, gas, cable, Irish Water, waste collection (including e-statements) (mobile phone bills are not acceptable as a proof of address document)
  • Original Account statement or correspondence from a Regulated Financial Institution operating in the Republic of Ireland, e.g. bank, credit union, building society, credit card company (including e-statements) (Revolut, N26)
  • Household or vehicle policy/certificate or correspondence regarding an active house/car insurance policy
  • Decision Letter from Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) or a letter referring to an existing grant.
  • Letter from The Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) confirming the registration of a property or tenancy agreement or in reference to a dispute investigation.
  • NDLS letter received with license (must be dated)
  • Enniscorthy Credit Union correspondence such as CJA remediation letters, Dormant account letters and Juvenile to Adult letters as these can only be received by post.
  • Any of the standard ID documents from list 1 above, i.e., drivers’ licence (which contains a current address and is not already being used to verify name and was issued within the last 6 months).
  • PDF versions of Bank Statements and Utility Bills which can be adequately identified as being from a legitimate source may also be accepted.

Please note – Parents address verification will suffice for children under 16.

  • Payslip
  • Pension Book
  • Employment Detail Summary / PAYE/USC Statement of Liability
  • European Health Insurance Card
  • Medical Card
  • Drugs Payment Scheme Card
  • GP Visit card
  • Correspondence from Revenue/Dept. of Social Protection

Please note: we cannot currently accept the Irish Public Service Card for any of the above.

We now offer a Youth Current Account for 12-15 year olds:

  • Written consent from your Parent/Guardian is required to open the Youth Current Account and receive a Debit Card with POS and ATM services; a Personal Identification Number and Digital Banking Services.
  • The account has to be opened in one of our offices, up to date ID and Proof of Address will be required.
  • Debit Mastercard, accepted globally at millions of locations, wherever you find the Mastercard® acceptance mark.
  • No maintenance or transaction fees apply (currency conversion fees and government stamp duty will apply).
  • Use in-store, online or at ATMs.
  • Online Banking with Enniscorthy CU App.
  • Access to your money 24/7, with Online Access the current account holder will have access to all the funds in their accounts.
  • Security and convenience with contactless payments.

Extra security with age related restrictions applied to some retailers e.g., off licenses, casinos etc.*

Current Account

How to apply

How To Apply

To open a junior account/s, for your convenience and comfort, please make an appointment to open the account with us by calling 053 9233835.

Once the minor reaches the age of 7, they must be present to open the account and all withdrawals on the account must be signed for by the minor themselves. The parent/guardian will no longer have signing rights on the account.

If you would like more information about joining Enniscorthy Credit Union please contact us today.

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